7600 Chevy Chase Dr Austin Texas 78752



MECHANICAL EFFICIENCY PRODUCTS                                        


The saltless hard water solution for residential buildings

By: Lee R. Pinkson- Sustainable Efficiency Specialist - Energy and Water 

Reduce water consumption and heating costs


Upgrading your salt water softeners to Vulcan Descaler technology is a smart engineering decision. Vulcan is the most advanced commercial water treatment system available today. Without using salts or altering your water chemistry, Vulcan protects your entire property from limescale problems. The technology allows essential minerals to remain in the water, to aid solubilizing soap oils to provide fast and complete rinsing. Shower times are shortened 25-40% when compared to de-mineralized water. Quicker shower times lead to enormous savings on water consumption and heating expenses. Users won't feel uncomfortably oily after showering with Vulcan treated water and bathroom and kitchen floors feel safer. Vulcan is covered by a 10 Year product replacement warranty honored globaly. 

Eco-Friendly features:


* Natural descaling and anti-scaling action.

* Does not alters the chemistry of your water. Fully automatic.

* No required maintenance. Almost zero cost to operate (3 W/hr).

* No solid waste or brine to dispose of.

* Prevents corrosion and biological formation.

* Reduces repairs, parts and labor.

* Reduced shower times. Unlike de-mineralized water Vulcan provides complete and fast soap rinsing, saving water and energy from water heating.

* Faster and easier kitchen and bathroom cleaning.

* Minimizes the use of hazardous chemicals.

* Saves water. No regeneration cycles of back flushing.

* 10-year replacement warranty.  30 year service life.

* Effective 2 km of pipe in length and hardness levels up to 60 grains. 

* Installation without pipe cutting.


Sustainable technology at your reach

The  Vulcan  water  treatment  optimizes water  usability  by  eliminating  lime  scale formation. There are several possible forms that minerals can take on. Vulcan motivates minerals to transform into a rare form of mineral crystals, which is not prone to build limescale.   Because there is no change to the water content composition, the drinking water quality does not change in any way (good or bad).  The only change to the water's characteristics is that the formation of lime scale is avoided. Vulcan  gives  you  water  that  contains  all  the  good  minerals  but  prevents  these  minerals  from building up undesired  scale.  This  constitutes  a  big  advancement  in  water  treatment technology.  Vulcan gives  you  the ability to use water containing up to 60 grains of hardness without  the  problems  associated to limescale destroying your pipes and machinery. To promote safer floors in kitchens and bathrooms Vulcan provides fast and complete soap oil solubilization by keeping minerals in solution with the water as static neutral crystals. Don't wait, contact us today for an assessment on your building!